Saturday 8 June 2013


The idea behind this blog is pretty centric to what I have been doing quite avidly over the past week. Its the summer break after my second year at college. Over the past week, I have spent huge amount of my time reading different things, from blogs to newspapers, to people's views on Quora. A lot of my time has gone into reading a lot of varied content on the internet. I am an avid reader and spend a lot of time even in my regular days reading and trying to analyze the different aspects of a particular situation. My interests constitute of economics, start ups, rural development, Indian politics, world of mobile phones, sustainable development, education, strategies of various companies from tech giants like Google to just another small company just entering the market etc. I try to read and gather a lot of information in the time that I get from my  busy schedule. While I in no way have a mastery of perhaps any of the topics, I still intend to learn as much as I can and know more about the world we live in. The main reason to start this blog is to pen down my views on the various topics I follow as well as keep a record of what all things I read and what I learned from them. This blog is in no way meant to satisfy anyone, its just a means for me to have a habit of formulating my thoughts and trying to get better at it. From tomorrow, I intend to write and share things that I come across while reading, and try to put across my views. This blog is meant to be a place where I share my experiences as well as the questions that come into my mind while coming across any new piece of information.

This is my first blog and so I am not really experienced at writing for the online world. But at the same time I would like to make it clear than I am open to criticism and positive feedback and looking forward to improve my skills as well as thinking process.  Life is a learning curve, it should forever have a positive slope.